Schneider $5K Club Owner Operator Statements

If you can’t do it, that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Never say never…

These Schneider Owner Operators are grossing $5K weekly, on average. Lots more are doing it too!

These statements serve as proof to the naysayers, as well as encouragement to the hopeful. Don’t allow ANYONE to impose their limitations upon you. Don’t impose limitations upon yourself.

Instead of doubting them, learn from them! When you KNOW better, you DO better.

Watch my upcoming You Tube video for details.

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*Sharron Lambert (1girl1truck) is the owner of Extra Mile Transportation LLC, and is not personally affiliated with Schneider*

First Owner Operator

5 consecutive statements, followed by 1 week worked during October 2017 (the rest of October was vacation), followed by 3 consecutive statements to date


Second Owner Operator

2 consecutive statements, followed by vacation, followed by 4 consecutive statements to date


Third Owner Operator

12 consecutive statements to date